Replays are recorded in the game by default. The system stores replays of only the last 30 fought battles in order to save hard drive space. Replay files have the .wowsreplay extension, and they are stored in the "Replays" folder located in the root folder that contains the game client.

You can choose to turn replay recording on or off. To do so, you need to make changes to the engine_config.xml file. Follow these steps:
- Close the game client.
- Save a reserve copy of the engine_config.xml file that can be found in the World_of_Warships\bin\#######\res folder.
- Open the engine_config.xml file in a text editor.
- Find the </replays> string. The string is usually at the end of the file.
- To turn replay recording off, you need to add the following string before it:
The result should look like the screenshot below:

- Save the changes in the file and run the game.
- Replays will be saved in the ..\replays\ folder that will automatically be created in the game folder.
You can choose to turn replay recording on or off. To do so, you need to make changes to the engine_config.xml file. Follow these steps:
- Close the game client.
- Save a reserve copy of the engine_config.xml file that can be found in the World_of_Warships\bin\#######\res folder.
- Open the engine_config.xml file in a text editor.
- Find the </replays> string. The string is usually at the end of the file.
- To turn replay recording on, you need to add the following string before it:
The result should look like the screenshot below:

- Save the changes in the file and run the game.
- Replays will be saved in the ..\replays\ folder that will automatically be created in the game folder.
- Left-click any replay file twice.
- A dialog window will appear. Check the box for "Always use this app to open .wowsreplay files," then click "More apps."
- In the next window, scroll down and click "Look for another app on this PC."
- Specify a path to the WorldOfWarships.exe file that can be found in the root folder where the game client is installed. For example: D:\World_of_Warships. Choose the file and click "Open."
To control the playback of a replay, you can use the following keys and their combinations:
1. Replay interface
- Ctrl + J — show / hide the interface
2. Playback control
- End — play/pause
- Home — set playback speed х1 (it doesn't unpause a replay)
- Insert — increase playback speed
- Delete — decrease playback speed
- > — fast forward for 20 seconds
- < — rewind for 20 seconds
- Ctrl + > — fast forward х2
- Ctrl + < — rewind х2
3. Camera control
- С — camera control focus on / off
- Ctrl + Shift + Backspace — switch to the free camera mode (after switching, you might still need to free the focus by left-clicking)
- ←, →, ↑, ↓ — movement of the camera parallel to the water's surface
- Num9 — camera up
- Num7 — camera down
- Mouse wheel — zoom in/out
- B — follow the ship in front of you in the free camera mode (absolute, including mutual rotation with the ship)
- Ctrl + B — focus on the position of the ship in front of you in the free camera mode
- 1–9 — switch between free camera modes
- Shift + 1–9 — switch between additional free camera modes
- Num4, Num6 — camera turn
- Num2, Num8 — camera angle
- Num1 — camera movement to a point of interest
- Num3 — camera movement from a point of interest
- Num + / Num – — speed up / slow down camera movement
- Shift + (Num+/ Num–) — increase/decrease camera movement acceleration and deceleration
- Shift + Mouse wheel — increase/decrease radius of the free camera sphere (the sphere around the real camera position The real position becomes a point of interest)
4. Snapshots and their control
The snapshot function allows you to save snapshots and camera positions, as well as restore them if needed.
Snapshot controls:
- F5 — create a snapshot
- F6 — load the closest snapshot before the current replay time
- F7 — load the closest snapshot after the current replay time
- F8 — load the last saved snapshot
When using snapshots, the following are restored:
- Camera position
- Camera scaling (zoom in)
- Replay time
After loading a snapshot, the replay is paused.