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New Rule Violation System 2022

Dear Tankers,

Our old Strike System has been removed, and we're introducing a new and more complete Rule Violations system.

From March 23, 07:00 PT | 09:00 CT | 10:00 ET, the new rules will be in effect.

The new system will work in a very simple manner. Each time an user gets sanctioned they receive a "Relapses point" in addition to their ban. If they receive another sanction, the Relapses system remembers how many sanctions they have and automatically applies additional time to their ban. 

Relapses points DO NOT fall off or reset, so repeating bad behavior results in longer and longer ban times. For Major violations, receiving too many will result in a permaban. 

Here's a chart of how the sanctions work:

Minor chat violations(1 day chat ban) Profanity, insults, minor harassment - most chat violations fall into this category
  • Each new violation adds +1 day to ban time.
  • Never result in a permanent ban
Major chat violations(15 day chat ban) Extreme hate speech/harassment; threats of  real life violence violence
  • More than two (2) result in a permanent ban
Minor game violations(1 day game ban) Annoying violations that are not direct physical attacks on another player or vehicle. Include pinging the map repeatedly, drowning themselves, stating in chat and then deliberately AFKing
  • Each new violation adds +1 day to ban time.
  • Never result in a permanent ban
Major game violations(3 day game ban) Physics abuse or unsportsmanlike conduct that directly attacks another player/vehicle on your team
  • Each new violation adds +3 days to ban time.
  • More than seven (7) in a quarter (3-month period) results in a permanent ban

The bottom line is the more you break the rules, the longer the ban lengths.

Please note: reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. The action that may be taken may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category.

How do I report someone?

For Chat Violations: You can use the in-game reporting feature and submit a ticket to support. When submitting a ticket, please be sure to spell the potential violator's account name correctly so we can investigate. Both in-game reports and ticket reports will trigger further internal investigation. We also use internal chat checks, so players can receive a minor chat violation based on internal checks (even if no one reports them).

To report a game violation: Please submit a ticket along with a replay. Most game violations cannot be adequately investigated without a replay, so reports without replays rarely result in sanctions.


Appealing a sanction still works the same. Please submit a ticket to support if you do not agree or understand the reason a sanction was placed on your account, so we can review it. reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. The action that may be taken may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category.

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