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How do I buy Premium Account time?

Please note that once Premium Time is purchased it is immediately activated and applied to the account

There are two different methods to purchase Premium Account time. The main difference between the methods is the type of currency used. You can only purchase Premium Account time in-game with Gold. If you would like to use US Dollars or other real-world currency, you will need to make the purchase in the Premium Shop here: Premium Account Shop 

If you would prefer to make your Premium Account purchase with Gold, please follow these steps while in the game client:

Step 1:

  • Click on the "Premium" button in the top left-hand corner of the game client
Premium Account

Step 2:

  • The "Premium" button will bring you directly to the Premium Account section of the in-game Shop
Premium Account 2

Step 3:

  • Click on the desired amount of days you wish to purchase

Step 4:

  • You will be brought to a screen explaining how Premium Time works and its Gold cost
  • If you would still like to make your purchase, click "Purchase"
7 Days

Step 5:

  • If your purchase is successful, you will receive a confirmation screen much like the following and the purchase log will appear in your notifications on the bottom right:


Congratulations! You now have Premium Time on your account! 

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